Womenswear fashion label CLAN recently released the look book for their SS16 Collection featuring EbonyLife's Zainab Balogun. The Brand described their look book as:
"The TARSUS lookbook is here! Tarsus, the historic city in modern-day Turkey which Mark Antony, co-ruler of Rome, summoned Cleopatra to in October 41 BC serves as the main source of inspiration for the CLAN SS16 collection. Tarsus represents a woman's inner intellect, power and charm, whilst showing an appreciation for, like Cleopatra, the finer things in life. She was able to secure a strong alliance with Mark Antony which helped her achieve her political goals of remaining Queen of Egypt as well as procuring a strong ally against quite ironically Augustus, son of her ex-lover and ally Julius Caesar, and co-ruler of Rome. Tarsus is hereby an expression of the inner strength and sense of purpose inherent in every woman and it is the recognition of these values that have formed the ideas behind each silhouette, and has been woven into the threads of each garment in the collection. Aubergine, the chosen CLAN colour of the season is a shade of purple, which represents royalty and wealth."

"And it's a wrap! The romance between Antony and Cleopatra might have changed the world. If Antony had succeeded in winning sole control of Rome with Cleopatra as his queen, he could have changed the course of the Roman Empire, making the world we live in today a different place. However their relationship ended in mutual suicide in 30 BC, eleven years after it started, when Roman troops engulfed the Egyptian city of Alexandria where they were holidaying and threatened their capture. Cleopatra's legacy and examplary life as a woman who channelled her intellect and inner strength to achieve her goals is a huge reference point for this collection and will continue to be a source of inspiration for the brand."
Photo Credits
Model - Zainab Balogun
Photography - Lakin Ogunbawo
Accessories - Polo Avenue & Ifeoma Williams
Hair & Makeup - DFalana Artistry
Images - www.instagram.com/clan_diaries
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