Sunday 12 June 2016


Posted by Mary Edoro
Monday mornings can be the most dreaded time of the week. That Monday morning alarm clock’s rude awakening collides with the weekend snooze mood. However, Monday mornings are the most important part of your weekly routine.  You’ve got to stumble out of bed and face the new week. Here are a few things I think are necessary to start your Monday right.

Start early:  
Don’t hit the snooze button!
Do your best to get up right when your alarm goes off. That way, you’ll be ready to face the day more quickly. This will give you more energy in the long run than the constant cycle of waking up and going back to sleep that the snooze button forces us into.
Start your day mindfully. Say some prayers, clear your mind, inspire yourself and set the right tone for the day.
Have a good breakfast:
People who skip breakfast in the morning tend to overcome hunger later in the day by overeating during lunch or snack time. Eating a healthy meal will give you the energy you need to start the day. Or if you’re a coffee enthusiast like me, grab a cup and go!.
Clean up and organize:
Before you start tackling your work, take a few moments to prep. Declutter your work station and get organized. A little cleaning can actually increase your productivity significantly. The less mess you have, the less stressed you’ll be. Make sure your environment is conducive to getting work done. Check your emails and respond to as many of them as you can. The faster you reply, the more professional you'll appear.
You’re late if you’re on time
The habits you form on Monday morning can form your whole week, so make them good ones. Arrive early to work to really get things going and avoid the headache of rushing in to a meeting 10 minutes late because of traffic.
“Put a smile on your face no matter condition!” If you think that you're going to have a productive day, then there's a higher chance that you actually will have a productive day. So keep your energy positive!

I hope you follow this routine and have a pleasant week ahead!

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